The Cave of the Seven Sleepers

The Cave of the Seven Uyghurs is known as the "Legend of the Seven Uyghurs" in different parts of the world, and its most important center in Anatolia is the Cave of the Seven Uyghurs in Tarsus. This historical site is located 12 km north of Tarsus, at the foot ...

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers

The Cave of the Seven Uyghurs is known as the "Legend of the Seven Uyghurs" in different parts of the world, and its most important center in Anatolia is the Cave of the Seven Uyghurs in Tarsus. This historical site is located 12 km north of Tarsus, at the foot of Mount Enceladus. A natural sediment formation forms the cave, which occupies an enclosed area of about 200 m2, and a staircase of 15 steps is used to reach the cave. There is a mosque right above the cave. The mosque was built in 1872 and a three-story minaret was added later.

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers In different parts of the world "The legend of the seven sleepers" The most important center in Anatolia is the Eshab-i Kehf Cave in Tarsus. This historical site is 12 kilometers north of Tarsus. The mountain of Enculus positioned on their skirts. A natural sediment formation forms the cave, which occupies an enclosed area of about 200 m2, and a staircase of 15 steps is used to reach the cave. One right above the cave. The mosque. It exists. The date of construction of the mosque. It 's 1872 . And then a three-story minaret was added.

Where is the Cave of the Seven Sleepers?

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers Located in the foothills of Mount Enceladus, northwest of Tarsus Grandparents in the village It exists. The cave is 12 kilometers from Tarsus.

Places to visit in Mersin, Places to visit in Tarsus You can visit the stops, and if you want, you can create your own itinerary from the relevant page.

How do you get to the Cave of the Seven Sleepers?

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers, It is located 12 km from Tarsus and 38 km from Mersin. This cave, also known as Ziyarettepe, is located within the boundaries of the village of Dedeler, north of Tarsus.
To reach the Cave of the Seven Sleepers First of all . Go to the Tarsus County Center, from here proceed in the direction of the Village of Grandparents. In the center of Tarsus County, which directs visitors to the cave of Eshab-i-Kef. the signs It exists.

The story of the Cave of the Seven Sleepers

The story of the Cave of the Seven Sleepers, It has a special place among the legends. According to legend, When belief in mythological gods weakened, and those with a monotheistic faith like Christianity, They refuse to return to idolatry. That's why. Yemliha, Mexeline, Mislina, Mernush, Sazenush, Tabernush and Cephestatayush Seven young men named Roman Emperor They flee the persecution of Dacianus. The ruler threatens to kill these young men and wants them to return to idolatry. But young people don't give up their faith.

This is... seven young men, With their dogs. It 's scarce . They flee and take refuge in the cave of Eshab-i-Khef. By God for them. For 300 years . They're put into a deep sleep. When they wake up, one of the first young men to go into town to look for food is caught carrying expired money. The one who catches him asks where he got the money and the young man, With seven friends. He says he stayed in the cave. When they went to the cave. Where the seven little birds nest They can't see anything but a home. As a result of this incident, the cave. The Cave of the Seven Sleepers It's going to be called.

Characteristics of the Cave of the Seven Sleepers

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers characteristics among the characteristics, among the people "mountain of visitation" It is noted for its conical shape and topographical appearance. The cave. A circular well. It's shaped like this, and it goes down 15 steps. The cave covers an area of about 300 square meters and is about. It's 10 meters high. There's three of them. The tunnel. It exists.

In Arabic 'Eshab' means owner or friend, while 'Kehf' A house carved in the mountains It's a term used for places like. The cave of Eshab-i-Kef, too. For both Christian and Muslim communities It's a sacred place to visit. The cave is considered sacred by Christians, in the same way. In the Qur'an, in the Qur'an, It's also sacred to Muslims because it's mentioned.

In the world From 33 different caves. is believed to have been mentioned. While these caves are found in various parts of the world, three in Turkey is located at: Tarsus, Ephesus, and Ephesus You too. The caves located in Kahramanmaraş, Afşin district, are called Eshab-ı Kehf.

Places to visit around Eshab-i Kehf Seven Sleepers Cave

Places to visit around the Cave of the Seven Sleepers can be arranged as follows:

  • The Cave of the Toad: Eshab-i Kehf is located 500 meters from the Cave of the Seven Sleepers. It is a cave famous for its natural beauty.
  • The waterfall of Tarsus: The waterfall, located 13 kilometers away, is a natural beauty and a great place to cool off.
  • The St. Paul's well. This well, which is 13.5 kilometers away, is attributed to Saint Paul, an important figure in the history of Christianity.
  • The ancient Roman road: Located at a distance of 13.5 kilometers, this road offers a historical and cultural experience.
  • Historic houses of Tarsus: At a distance of 13.5 kilometers, these houses offer beautiful examples of the historical fabric of Tarsus.
  • The St. The Church of St. Paul. Located 15 kilometers away, this church is a religious structure built in memory of Saint Paul.
  • The Gate of Cleopatra: It is an ancient gate located at a distance of 13 kilometers and offers a historical atmosphere.
  • The Nusret mine ship: This ship, located 13.2 kilometers away, can be visited as a historic ship of the Turkish Navy.

These places have various historical, cultural and natural beauties that you can discover during your visit to the Cave of the Seven Sleepers of Eshab-i Kehf. Speaking of the region, to visit these routes, to see the historical settlements and places there together. A valuable experience It will be.

Dedeler, 33400 Tarsus/Mersin, Türkiye


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Kadir Dolunay
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