The center of the bar
The center of the bar
Bartın is the center of the province in the western part of the Black Sea Region. The sea can be reached by boat from the Bartin River, which flows through the city. It is the only river in Turkey suitable for sea traffic.
Bartın is the center of the province in the western part of the Black Sea Region. The sea can be reached by boat from the Bartin River, which flows through the city. It is the only river in Turkey suitable for sea traffic.
The city, which takes its name from the ancient name (Parthenios) of the Bartyn River, on the banks of which it was founded, contains within its borders the ancient cities of Sesamos (Amasra), Kromna (Kurucaşile) and Erythinoi (Chakraz) of historical Paphlagonia. In Roman times, the Bartin River was called Parthenius. The city on the banks of the river was called Parthenia. That's how the name became Bart's.