The Cinci Inn and the Hamam

Cinci Han consists of 2 floors and 63 rooms built by the other Cinci Hoca in the name of Kazasker Hüseyin Efendi in his hometown of Safranbolu. It was used as a caravanserai until the 20th century because it was one of the inns on the Silk Road. It was ...

The Cinci Inn and the Hamam

Cinci Han consists of 2 floors and 63 rooms built by the other Cinci Hoca in the name of Kazasker Hüseyin Efendi in his hometown of Safranbolu. It was used as a caravanserai until the 20th century because it was one of the inns on the Silk Road. It was used as a caravanserai until the century. You can also visit or drink tea and coffee outside the inn, which currently serves as a hotel. The Jinci Bath is an active bath that still serves. There are separate sections for men and women.

Cinci Han consists of 2 floors and 63 rooms built by the other Cinci Hoca in the name of Kazasker Hüseyin Efendi in his hometown of Safranbolu. It was used as a caravanserai until the 20th century because it was one of the inns on the Silk Road. It was used as a caravanserai until the century. You can also visit or drink tea and coffee outside the inn, which currently serves as a hotel. The Jinci Bath is an active bath that still serves. There are separate sections for men and women.

Çeşme, Cinci Han Sk. No:10, 78600 Safranbolu/Karabük, Türkiye


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