The Fountain of Martyrs

The memorial fountain located in Ertuğrul Mahallesi, Peştemalci Street, was built in memory of those who fell martyrs during the conquest of Tekirdağ by the Ottomans. In the book of the fountain, which was built in 1949 by the mayor of the time, Şevket Cicioğlu: "Dear Visitor, this is the ...

The Fountain of Martyrs

The memorial fountain located in Ertuğrul Mahallesi, Peştemalci Street, was built in memory of those who fell martyrs during the conquest of Tekirdağ by the Ottomans. In the book of the fountain, which was built in 1949 by the mayor of the time, Şevket Cicioğlu: "Dear Visitor, this is the tomb of the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their blood in the victory of our Wheel, the land you live on is their gift. (1949)" is written.

The memorial fountain located in Ertuğrul Mahallesi, Peştemalci Street, was built in memory of those who fell martyrs during the conquest of Tekirdağ by the Ottomans.
In the book of the fountain, which was built in 1949 by the mayor of the period, Şevket Cicioğlu:
"Dear visitor, this is the tomb of the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their blood in the victory of our Wheel, and the land you live on is their gift.
Purify the souls of these saints. (1949)" is written.

Zafer, Muratlı Cd. No:139, 59200 Tekirdağ Merkez/Tekirdağ, Türkiye


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