The historical route of Mardin

Mardin, which has a history of thousands of years, is considered one of the ancient cities of Anatolia.

The historical route of Mardin

Mardin, which has a history of thousands of years, is considered one of the ancient cities of Anatolia.

The Castle of Mardin
The Castle of Mardin

The historic castle, also known as the "Eagle's Nest", overlooks the city from a hill in the city center of ...

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Mor Behnam (Forty) Monastery
Mor Behnam (Forty) Monastery

Another of the Syrian monasteries located in Mardin is the Mor Behnam Church of the Forty. Built in 539 AD, ...

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The Madrasah of November
The Madrasah of November

The half-built madrasa, built during the Artuklu period, was completed in 1457-1502 at the request of Cihangirlioğlu Kasım Padişah. The ...

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Abdullatif Mosque / Latifiye Mosque,
Abdullatif Mosque / Latifiye Mosque,

Abdullatif Mosque / Latifiye Mosque is one of the pearls of stone architecture reflecting the historical richness of Mardin. Built ...

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Mardin The Great Mosque
Mardin The Great Mosque

The Great Mosque of Mardin is a unique legacy of the Artukogullari period, adorned with the elegant touch of cut ...

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The monastery of Deyrulzafaran
The monastery of Deyrulzafaran

Deyrulzafaran Monastery is one of the important religious buildings that has reached its present form with additions made in different ...

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The Monastery of Purple Gabriel
The Monastery of Purple Gabriel

Perhaps one of the most important stops on your historical tour of Mardin is the Monastery of the Purple Gabriel. ...

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The Hatuniyah Madrasah
The Hatuniyah Madrasah

The Hatuniye Madrassa, also known as the Siti Radviyye Madrassa, is located in the Gül neighborhood of Mardin. Although the ...

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The Martyrdom Madrasah
The Martyrdom Madrasah

Shahidi, also known as Semanin Madrasah, is a very special structure built in the early 1200s by Melik Nasreddin Artuk ...

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The Chain Madrasah
The Chain Madrasah

The two-story madrasa is notable for its two large domes and the balcony in the courtyard. The madrassa, which has ...

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Mardin, which has a history of thousands of years, is considered one of the ancient cities of Anatolia.

The first settlement in the area is thought to have been made by the Assyrians in the 5th century. It's believed to have taken place in the 20th century. It was ruled by the Arabs between 640 and 1100 AD, by the nobles until 1517 and then by the Ottomans.

Nowadays, Mardin is visited by many local and foreign visitors every year as one of the most important cradles of civilization in Turkey and the world.

The most famous ones in Mardin are; Mardin Castle, Kasımiye Madrasah, Historic Great Mosque are among the most famous historical sites in the city.