The Republic Square of Kayseri

Kayseri Republic Square, which is considered the heart of the city, ranks first among the places to visit in the center of Kayseri. When you stand in the square and look around, you'll see historic buildings from the Roman, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republican periods, spanning 6,000 years.

The Republic Square of Kayseri

Kayseri Republic Square, which is considered the heart of the city, ranks first among the places to visit in the center of Kayseri. When you stand in the square and look around, you'll see historic buildings from the Roman, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republican periods, spanning 6,000 years.

If you have to start exploring the city from somewhere, it is undoubtedly Kayseri Republic Square. Kayseri Republic Square, which is considered the heart of the city, ranks first among the places to visit in the center of Kayseri. When you stand in the square and look around, you'll see historic buildings from the Roman, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republican periods, spanning 6,000 years. The Clock Tower, the Pyramid Mosque, the Bullet Mosque, the Kayseri Castle and the Atatürk statue are among the first heritage attractions in the square. Kayseri Republic Square is one of the best places to visit and stay.

Camikebir, Seyyid Burhanettin Blv., 38040 Melikgazi/Kayseri, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 3580 yorumun ortalaması 4.6
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