
Where is Kayakoy? Kayakoy Directions, Kayakoy Features, Kayakoy Attractions, Kayakoy Activities, Kayakoy Paid? Kayakoy Places to Visit, information you wonder about Kayakoy is on Nomatto!


When you finish your walk, you can start to visit Kayaköy to have a nice meal and take unique photos among the narrow stone streets of Greek stone houses. Until 1922, Kayaköy was a lively settlement with its stone houses, schools, churches, library, hospital and shops, but today it is known as 'Ghost Village'. Where is Kayakoy? Kayakoy Directions, Kayakoy Features, Kayakoy Attractions, Kayakoy Activities, Kayakoy Paid? Kayakoy Places to Visit, information you wonder about Kayakoy is on Nomatto!

When you're done with your walk, you can eat a nice meal and take a tour of the ski village, where you can take unique photos of the Greek-made stone houses and the cobblestone streets. Until 1922, Kayaköy was a bustling settlement with stone houses, schools, churches, a library, a hospital, and shops. Today, it is known as the "Ghost Village". It's hard not to feel a deep sadness as you wander through a region where life has virtually ended with the Christians who lived in the area at the time being sent ashore in violation of the Population Exchange Treaty. To visit the entire village, you need at least two hours. Kayaköy, protected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism with the status of "museum village", 10.00-16. It can be visited free of charge between 00 and 16:00 with an entrance fee of 12,5 TL (2021) or with a Museum Card. It can be visited for free with an entrance fee of 12,5 TL (2021) or with a Museum Card.

How to Ski to Conquest?

Fethiye is located in Muğla province, while Karaköy is located in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul. There's quite a distance between these two places. Therefore, you can use the following options to get from Fethiye to Karaköy:

By air: By arriving by plane from Fethiye to Istanbul, after reaching Istanbul you can use one of the public transportation, private vehicle, taxi or walking options I mentioned above to go to Karaköy.

Bus: By coming from Fethiye to Istanbul by bus, you can use one of the public transportation, private vehicles, taxis or walking options I mentioned above to go from the bus in Istanbul to Karaköy.

Private car: If you want to go from Fethiye to Karaköy by your own car, you have to cover a distance of about 790 kilometers. Therefore, it is important to prepare your vehicle for adequate rest and refueling before planning a long trip.
Other travel options: You can also get to Istanbul from Fethiye by train or by sea. However, these options may take longer, and after reaching Istanbul, you may need to use the options I mentioned above to go to Karaköy.

What to Eat at Fethiye Kayaköy?

One of the must-try dishes in Fethiye Karaköy is 'Sac Frying'. It is a traditional meat dish that is cooked on an open fire in a large metal plate and gives it a unique smoky taste. The meat is usually lamb or veal and is cooked with onions, tomatoes and green pepper. This dish is usually served with rice or bulgur rice and salad.

Another popular dish of Fethiye Karaköy is 'Karalahana Soup', a hearty soup made with karalahana, lentils and bulgur. The soup is usually served with hot crispy bread and is a tasty and healthy meal. Perfect for cold winter days, this soup is also a great option for vegetarians.
As a result, Fethiye Karaköy is a culinary paradise and there are many dishes to taste in the district. There's something for everyone at the Enfes 'Sac Roast Warming 'Karalahana Soup. Therefore, if you find yourself in Fethiye Karaköy, be sure to enjoy the local cuisine and taste an unforgettable journey.

What You Need to Know About the Ski Village

  • The ski resort is like a big open-air museum. From the moment you start your journey, there's always a curiosity. It starts with wonder, it goes on with why, and you end your trip with sadness. Traces of the grapes can be found all over the village.
  • The mysterious and ghostly image of the ski village has attracted the attention of filmmakers and hosted film sets. In 2014, some scenes of the film "Water Diviner" were filmed in Kayaköy. This was followed by the film Ezan in 2015. The horror film Ezan ⁇ was followed by another horror film in 2016 called ⁇ 666 Djinn Musallati ⁇ .
  • In 1990, an imam named Ali from Fethiye and a priest from Rhodes met. They prayed for friendship and peace between the two peoples in the Church of Our Lady.
  • You'll see a lot of houses on your trip. Without roofs and windows. (We will discuss the features of the houses in the next article.)
  • Kayaköy was also declared a World Friendship and Peace Village by UNESCO.
    Those who migrated from here to Greece after the exchange founded new villages called Nea Makri (New Makri) and Nea Levissi. Makri is the old name of Fethiye (Makri-Meğri).
Kayaköy, 48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Türkiye


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