Martyrdom to the Onions

The Soğanlıdere Martyrdom was built in memory of a corporal and nine men who were martyred during an aerial bombardment in the 1915 battles of Çanakkale. In Soğanlıdere Şehitliği, a real martyr's cemetery, soldiers who were martyred while being treated in the hospitals set up here during the war lie. ...

Martyrdom to the Onions

The Soğanlıdere Martyrdom was built in memory of a corporal and nine men who were martyred during an aerial bombardment in the 1915 battles of Çanakkale. In Soğanlıdere Şehitliği, a real martyr's cemetery, soldiers who were martyred while being treated in the hospitals set up here during the war lie. This area was also the center of supplies and warehouses for the soldiers, as well as cooking places.

The Soğanlıdere Martyrdom was built in memory of a corporal and nine men who were martyred during an aerial bombardment in the 1915 battles of Çanakkale. In Soğanlıdere Şehitliği, a real martyr's cemetery, soldiers who were martyred while being treated in the hospitals set up here during the war lie. This area was also the center of supplies and warehouses for the soldiers, as well as cooking places.

Where's the martyrdom of the onions?

Martyrdom to the Onions, The castle can be visited. It is located in the village of Behramli, which belongs to the district of Eceabat. It's known as air martyrdom.

How to Bring Martyrdom to Onions

To the martyrdom of the Çanakkale Onion It's very easy to reach. You can get here very comfortably by following the signs in your personal vehicle. If you want to get here from the center of Çanakkale, you'll have to take the ferry across and get there that way.

What Does It Mean to Be a Martyr to Onions?

To go to the Onion Martyrs When you go to Çanakkale, The delicacies you should definitely taste include Ezine Cheese, Cheese Cream, Goat Soup, Tumbi, Metez, Spinach Buns Special for Çanakkale, Shake, Salted Sardines, Melki Meal, the famous Börülce Meal of the Tea Hours, the Vitamin Depot Eggs and the dishes of Tiken. You can shop in the small cafeterias that are located in the city. There is no restaurant in the martyrdom.

Places to Visit in the Onion Martyrdom?

On the side of Soğanlıdere Şehitliği, you can also visit Melek Hanım Çiftliği, which served as a hospital during the war. If you are visiting Soğanlıdere Martyrdom by car, you can visit the areas in the area: Pools Martyrdom, Soğanlıdere Martyrdom, Martyrs' Monument, Morto Bay, First Martyrs' Monument, Çanakkale Epic, Promotion Center, Mehmetçi's Monument, Arıburnu-Anzac Bay, Tunnels and Ditches, Bomba Ridge, History Park, You can go to the Road Stop.

Tour companies do not visit these routes due to time constraints. If you want to join the tour, visit the Kilitbahir Fort, the Prayer Tabiyas, the Seyit Corporal Monument and the Mosque Martyrdom. Martyrdom to the Witness 57. Piyade Alayı Şehitliği You can visit Conkbayır, the Kilitbahir Ferry Pier, and the Soğanlıdere Martyrdom.

Information about the martyrdom of the onions

The story of the Martyrdom of the Onions Çanakkale is located in the Soğanlıdere of the village of Kilitbahir. It was built in memory of a corporal and nine soldiers who were martyred during an aerial bombardment in the 1919 battles of Çanakkale. It is mass martyrdom. It was built by the 2nd Colored Command during the government of Suleiman Demirel in 1979. It was commissioned by the Corps Command. Although the inscription at the entrance to the martyrdom says that six hundred martyrs lie here, it is known that Çanakkale Soğanlıdere ⁇ was home to thousands of soldiers. The last feature of the martyrdom of Çanakkale Soğanlıdere is that it is mixed. When you look at the hometowns of the martyrs, you can see that there are soldiers from everywhere. At the same time, this area, which was subjected to aerial bombardment, is also known as the Soğanlıdere Air Martyrdom. A few hundred meters from the Çanakkale Soğanlıdere Air Martyrdom, there is the Soğanlıdere Hospital Martyrdom, which was restored and opened in 2005.

The architecture of the monument is in the shape of the moon and the star, symbolizing our flag, while the triangular pyramid structure in the center of the star represents the ascension of our martyrs to God. In the area immediately below the monument, the actual crypt is surrounded. Here lie our soldiers who were martyred while being treated in hospitals established during the Battle of Çanakkale. The hospitals in this area were served by the medical squads of the 2nd and 7th departments. , 7 and 12. And the medical squadrons of the 12th departments were serving. The medical squads of the departments were serving. Due to the fact that the valley is closed to enemy attacks, Çanakkale served as the most important logistical support center of the Seddülbahir front. But because the attacks on the area were airborne, many of our casualties were casualties. Çanakkale Soğanlıdere Valley was home to four divisional hospitals and supply and warehouse warehouses of the Southern Group Command in addition to the coastal set batteries prepared for March 18. In this regard, Soğanlıdere became one of the centers where the Turkish soldier's food supply and distribution was carried out.

A ruined ruin appears on the right side of the road before the Onions reach the Martyrdom. This is Mrs. Angel's infirmary. It was the first infirmary of the Seddulbahir Front and was later converted into a comprehensive Sahara Hospital. It is also number 29 on the 1916 Shevki Pasha Map. It's marked on the envelope and written in Ottoman Turkish. It also has the distinction of being one of the places where our soldiers serving in the set batteries are treated.

İsmetpaşa, İstiklal Cd. No:112, 17900 Behramlı/Eceabat/Çanakkale, Türkiye


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Mehmet Gedik
23 Ağu 2022
(7 ay önce)
Anıtın hemen yanında gerçek şehit kabirlerinin de olduğu bir şehitlik. Soğanlıdere Hava Şehitliği’nden birkaç yüz metre ileride, 2005 senesinde restore edilerek açılan Soğanlıdere Hastane Şehitliği bulunmaktadır. Anıt, ay ve yıldız şeklinde figürize edilmiş olup yıldızın ortasında bulunan üçgen piramit yapı ise şehitlerimizin Allah’a yükselişini temsil etmektedir. Anıtın hemen altındaki bölgede gerçek şüheda kabristanlığı çevrelenmiştir. Burada savaş zamanında kurulu olan hastanelerde tedavi edilirken şehit olan askerlerimiz yatmaktadır. Bu bölgede 2.,7. ve 12. Tümenlerin Sıhhiye Bölükleri hizmet vermekteydiler. Vadi düşman taarruzlarına kapalı bir konumda olması nedeniyle Seddülbahir cephesinin en önemli lojistik destek merkezi görevini görmüştür. Soğanlıdere Vadisi18 Mart için hazırlanmış kıyı set bataryalarının yanında dört tümen hastanesine ve Güney Grubu Komutanlığının erzak ve ambar depolarına da ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bu yönüyle de Soğanlıdere, Türk askerinin yemek iaşesinin yapıldığı merkezlerden biri olmuştur. Soğanlıdere Şehitliği’ne varmadan evvel yolun sağ tarafında yıkık bir harabe gözükür. Burası Melek Hanım Reviri’dir. Seddülbahir Cephesi’nin ilk reviri olan bu mevzii sonrasında kapsamlı bir Sahra Hastanesine dönüştürülmüştür. 1916 Şevki Paşa Haritası’nda da 29 paftada işaretlenmiş ve Osmanlı Türkçesi ile yazılmıştır. Aynı şekilde set bataryalarında görev yapan askerlerimizin tedavi edildiği yerlerden biri olma özelliğine de sahiptir.
28 Eki 2019
(3 yıl önce)
Diğer sehitlikler birer sembol iken burası asıl şehitlikmiş. Buradaki mezar taşları da yatanlar da gerçekmiş. Onca kaybımız arasında görüneni gömüleni ne kadar az değil mi 😥 fatiha okunacak asıl yerde burası olmalı mutlaka görün.. Buralı birinin anlattığına göre hâlâ bir kuyu vs açmak için toprak kazıldığına veya yağmurla toprak kaydığında kemikler çıkarmış meydana.. Gözlerim doldu hâlâ mezarsız kaç kahramanımız var acaba 😥
mehmet fatih dülger
31 Ağu 2022
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Arka kısmında gerçek şehitliklerinde olduğu, anıttaki hilalin üzerinde yürünmesinin nahoş bir hava katmasını saymazsanız şehitliklerin yakınından yürürken duaralınızı okuyabileceğiniz besmelesiz duasız asla yürümemeniz gereken bir alan.
Cengiz Canli
26 Tem 2019
(3 yıl önce)
Beau petit endroit à visiter lors de votre route vers les memoriaux. Gratuit. Le vieux vendeur de souvenir est aussi très gentil. Şehitliğe giderken gezilecek ve resim çekilecek güzel bir yer. Güzel ve temiz şekilde yapılmış. Orada 2 satıcı var. Çok temiz insanlar. Oranın yerlilerinden.
02 Ağu 2019
(3 yıl önce)
"Vatan muhabbeti, Türklük muhabbeti senin en güzel ziynetin olsun. Vatanını, Türklüğünü her şeyden ziyâde sev.! Bu ikisi için hiçbir fedakârlıktan çekinme.!" - Cemal Paşa
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