Sancaktepe Science Center

Detailed information about Sancaktepe Science Center, where is Sancaktepe science center, how to get to Sancaktepe science center, entrance fee to Sancaktepe Science Center, activities to be done in Sancaktepe science center, Sancaktepe science center is given below. Sancaktepe Science Center, Where is Sancaktepe Science Center, How to Get to ...

Sancaktepe Science Center

Consisting of a planetarium, observatory and experimental units, Sancaktepe Science Center is a center where children will both have fun and learn. The center can be visited by school groups with appointments on weekdays and by individual visitors on weekends. Presentations are made accompanied by guides in the center, which you can visit in 2-hour sessions. All services offered at Sancaktepe Science Center are free of charge. Detailed information about Sancaktepe Science Center, where is Sancaktepe science center, how to get to Sancaktepe science center, entrance fee to Sancaktepe Science Center, activities to be done in Sancaktepe science center, Sancaktepe science center is given below. Sancaktepe Science Center, Where is Sancaktepe Science Center, How to Get to Sancaktepe Science Center, Entrance Fee to Sancaktepe Science Center, Activities to Do in Sancaktepe Science Center, Information you are wondering about Sancaktepe Science Center is on Nomatto!

About Sancaktepe Science Center, Sancaktepe Science Center organizes special workshops for children and young people and contributes to the development of their scientific thinking. In addition, by organizing Science School programs in the summer, it allows young people to have a deeper knowledge in the fields of science. Thanks to the observatory at the center, visitors have the chance to observe the sky, while in the planetarium they can watch impressive displays about space and astronomy. The Sancaktepe Science Center accepts groups by appointment during the week, while individual visitors on weekends are welcomed at the beginning of the hour by expert guides. Admission is free and can be visited individually on weekends. This center offers an enjoyable and educational experience for anyone who wants to explore science in a fun and interactive way. It gives visitors a chance to explore different aspects of the world of science and experience scientific thought. It is important to check the official website of Sancaktepe Municipality or other reliable sources for up-to-date information.

Sancaktepe Science Center is a science center located in the Sancaktepe district of Istanbul. This center, which opened in 2014, aims to convey scientific knowledge to all segments of society and to understand technological developments through activities. The center presents science to visitors in a fun way with interactive exhibitions, experiments, demonstrations, and activities. The planetarium has a structure that includes an observatory and experimental units. It offers visitors the opportunity to live interactive experiences in astronomy, space science, physics, chemistry, biology and many more branches of science.

Where is the Sancaktepe Science Center?

Where is Sancaktepe Science Center? Sancaktepe Science Center is a science center located in the Sancaktepe district of Istanbul and opened in 2014. The aim of the center is to communicate scientific knowledge and technological developments to all sections of society through activities. The planetarium has a structure that includes an observatory and experimental units and is known as the first and only science center in the region. The centre organises various activities for children and young people. It also hosts various educational activities, including the 2023 Summer Science School program. The Sancaktepe Science Center offers a fun and educational experience for visitors of all ages who are interested in science.

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How to the Sancaktepe Science Center?

How to get to Sancaktepe Science Center, There are different transportation options to get to Sancaktepe Science Center. Since the public transportation network in Istanbul is quite developed, access to the center is quite easy. Here is general information on how to get to the Sancaktepe Science Center:

  1. The public transport: You can reach Sancaktepe by public transport from different parts of Istanbul. You can reach Sancaktepe using public transport options such as metro, metrobus, bus and minibus. You can easily reach the Sancaktepe Science Centre by making a transfer in the area where the Sancaktepe Science Centre is located or by following the transport information on the official website of the Sancaktepe Municipality. 11US, 131, 131H, 131Y, 132M, 14KS and 320A You can also go by van/full.
  2. Special vehicle: If you have your own vehicle, you can also go to the Sancaktepe Science Center by private vehicle. There are open or closed car parks near the centre.
  3. The taxi: Taxi is a frequently used transportation option in Istanbul. You can also take a taxi to the Sancaktepe Science Center. You can reach it by taxi by specifying the address directly or by obtaining the address information from the official website of Sancaktepe Municipality.

Admission to the Sancaktepe Science Center

Admission to the Sancaktepe Science Center, admission to the Sancaktepe Science Center is free and individual visitors can visit for free on weekends. 

Sancaktepe Science Center Activities to be performed

Sancaktepe Science Center Activities Sancaktepe Science Center offers a variety of activities for those who want to explore science and technology in a fun and interactive way. Some of the activities that can be done at the center are:

  1. Interactive exhibits: Various interactive exhibitions, experiments and demonstrations related to science and technology are presented. Visitors have the opportunity to learn by applying and experiencing scientific concepts.
  2. The planetarium shows: A planetarium is a type of projection system that allows you to observe the sky. Here you can watch fun and informative shows about space and astronomy.
  3. Observation activities include: Sancaktepe Science and Experimental Center, thanks to the Observatory, you have the chance to observe the sky and the stars. In particular, you can learn about astronomy through observational activities held at certain times.
  4. Experimental units : Science Center Sancaktepe, The center also offers the opportunity to conduct experiments. Visitors can put the basic principles of science into practice by conducting scientific experiments.
  5. Children's workshops : Activities to develop hand skills related to science and technology are organized in workshops specially organized for children.
  6. Summer School of Science: The Sancaktepe Science Center hosts specially organized Science School programs during the summer term. With these programs, children and young people have the opportunity to learn in a fun way while exploring different areas of science.
  7. Planets and Space: Sancaktepe Science and Experimental Center offers the opportunity to explore the mysteries of the planets, the solar system and space with space-related activities.

The Sancaktepe Science Center gives visitors the chance to experience science in a fun and interactive way. Through these activities, you can increase your interest in science, make learning enjoyable, and explore different scientific topics.

Sancaktepe Science Center Appointment

Sancaktepe Science Center appointment, You can make an appointment for school groups by calling 0216 311 90 18 between 08:30-17:00 on weekdays.

What to do around Sancaktepe Science Center?

What to do around Sancaktepe Science Center? There are several activities and places to visit around Sancaktepe Science Center:

  • Sancaktepe City Forest: Sancaktepe City Forest, located near the Science Center, is an ideal place for those who want to spend time in touch with nature. You can take a walk, have a picnic or participate in various sports activities.
  • Martyr Gazi Hüseyin Bey Park: Another park close to the Science Center, Şehit Gazi Hüseyin Bey Park is a nice option for relaxing and spending time in green areas.
  • Aydos Forest and Aydos Hill: A little further away, Aydos Forest and Aydos Hill is a popular destination for hiking, cycling and sightseeing.
  • Sancaktepe Municipality Cultural Center: After your visit to the Science Center, if you want to participate in cultural activities, you can attend exhibitions, concerts or other events organized at Sancaktepe Municipality Cultural Center.
  • Shopping and Dining: There are several shopping centers and restaurants around Sancaktepe. You can eat at restaurants where you can try local delicacies or shop at shopping malls.

Besides these activities, you can take time to enjoy other cultural and natural beauties in and around Sancaktepe.

Eyup Sultan M, Eyüp Sultan, Kültür Merkezi bahçesi, Ulubatlı Hasan Cd. No:1, 34885 Sancaktepe/İstanbul, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 48 yorumun ortalaması 4.7
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