The Northern Erzurum Route

The castle of the Pasins
The castle of the Pasins

Hasankale is located in the southern part of the Hasan Mountain, northeast of the district center of Pasinler, 38 km ...

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Pasinler Hot Springs
Pasinler Hot Springs

Pasinler Thermal Springs, thermal springs in Pasinler offer a natural refuge for those who want to feel the touch of ...

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The Shepherd's Bridge
The Shepherd's Bridge

The Shepherd's Bridge was built on the route of the historic Silk Road. The bridge was built in 1298 by ...

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The Narman Fairy Chimneys
The Narman Fairy Chimneys

The Narman Fairy Chimneys are one of Erzurum's unique natural beauties, opening the doors to a fairy-tale world. This unique ...

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The castle of Oltu
The castle of Oltu

Oltu Castle, located in the center of Oltu County, was built by the Urartians in the 4th century BC. It ...

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Arslan Pasha Mosque
Arslan Pasha Mosque

Arslan Pasha Mosque, Arslan Pasha Mosque, a hidden pearl in the historical texture of Oltu, has a fascinating atmosphere with ...

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The waterfall of Tortum
The waterfall of Tortum

Erzurum is a city where you can experience different thrills, different beauties in every season. Tortum Falls, one of the ...

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The Tortum Lake
The Tortum Lake

The Tortum Lake, Turkey's largest landslide lake, is a magnificent natural wonder that exhibits The fascinating dance of nature. Surrounded ...

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The Church of Ošvank
The Church of Ošvank

Öşvank Church is located in Çamlıyamaç Village, Uzundere County. It is famous for its colorful stone decorations and engraved figures. ...

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Ispir Seven Lakes
Ispir Seven Lakes

Ispir Seven Lakes is one of Turkey's magnificent natural wonders. The clear waters of the seven lakes meet the impressive ...

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The Castle of Whispers
The Castle of Whispers

Located in the district of Ispir, Ispir Castle is thought to have been built by the Ilhanids who ruled this ...

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The Apple Cave
The Apple Cave

The Elmalı cave is located within the boundaries of the Elmalı neighborhood, about 1.5 km from the Maden Köprübaşı Municipality, ...

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The Church of Haho
The Church of Haho

Haho Church (Stone Mosque) is located in the village of Bağbaşı, in the district of Tortum. The structure, also known ...

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Two climates coexist in the city. The city, which is characterized by the Black Sea climate and the terrestrial climate, has unique natural beauties in this regard. 32% is covered by plateaus. It is also important for its location at the confluence of the Erzurum, Çoruh, Aras, Euphrates basins, which are rich in groundwater and surface water resources. The main rivers of these three basins originate from the Erzurum Mountains. The most important lake of the year is Lake Tortum. The maximum water level of the lake, which covers an area of 6.6 km2, is 1014 meters. The maximum water level of the lake, which covers an area of 6 km2, is 1014 meters.

Due to its natural beauty and favorable structure, the Çoruh Valley is a center for outdoor sports. Extremely suitable for rafting, canoeing, trekking and mountaineering, the valley is also visually and technically rich. The river is undoubtedly one of the most exciting rivers in the world. The swamp forms the western end of the Caucasus Ecosystem with its biodiversity; the basin is also an important center for bird, butterfly and wildlife observation.