The Underground City of Mucur

In order to provide ventilation in the Underground City of Mucur, ventilation chimneys have been installed at certain points of the city, corridors have been made to pass from one place to another and there are wide corridors through which people can bend and move.

The Underground City of Mucur

In order to provide ventilation in the Underground City of Mucur, ventilation chimneys have been installed at certain points of the city, corridors have been made to pass from one place to another and there are wide corridors through which people can bend and move.

During the Roman period, there was a great struggle between the worshipers of Tupa and the Christians, and in the region of Cappadocia, the Christians built many underground cities for protection and refuge from these intense attacks. The Mucur Underground City, one of these underground cities, is located in the Mucur district of Karsehir province and consists of 42 rooms. The underground city, some seven meters below the ground, was carved out of soft rock. The Underground City of Mucur, which is estimated to extend to the Tomb of Ashikpasha in Karshir, was built with the purpose of passing from one place to another and included wide corridors where people could bend over, large stables where small animals could be housed, places of worship, large and circular stone blocks and ventilation chimneys that opened above the ground, which are thought to have been built to divide the corridors and close the rooms during an attack. The museum card is valid for entrances to the Mucur Underground City, which welcomes visitors by making environmental arrangements.

Hamidiye, Çimentepe Sk., 40500 Mucur/Kırşehir, Türkiye


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