This is Halicarnassus.

The mausoleum, which is one of the most remarkable buildings in Bodrum for both its history and architecture, is actually a monumental tomb. This historic structure, which is also one of the seven wonders of the world, was destroyed by natural events and is now an open-air museum with parts ...

This is Halicarnassus.

The mausoleum, which is one of the most remarkable buildings in Bodrum for both its history and architecture, is actually a monumental tomb. This historic structure, which is also one of the seven wonders of the world, was destroyed by natural events and is now an open-air museum with parts of the platform and columns. The hours you can visit the remains of the tomb of what was once the most gigantic and aesthetic monument are in the summer from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 00-19.00, between 08:00 in winter, the entrance fee is 14 ⁇ . 00, 08:00-17 in the winter months. Between 00 and 17:00, the entrance fee is 14 ⁇ . Between 00 and 14, the entrance fee is 14 ⁇ .

The mausoleum, which is one of the most remarkable buildings in Bodrum for both its history and architecture, is actually a monumental tomb. This historic structure, which is also one of the seven wonders of the world, was destroyed by natural events and is now an open-air museum with parts of the platform and columns. The hours you can visit the remains of the tomb of what was once the most gigantic and aesthetic monument are in the summer from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 00-19.00, between 08:00 in winter, the entrance fee is 14 ⁇ . 00, 08:00-17 in the winter months. Between 00 and 17:00, the entrance fee is 14 ⁇ . Between 00 and 14, the entrance fee is 14 ⁇ .

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus is an important monument built in ancient times and is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Here are some facts about Halicarnassus:

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was built in the ancient city of Halicarnassus, now in the district of Bodrum. It's M. Oh, my God. It was built by his wife Artemisia in memory of Mausolos, who was the Satrap of Caria between 353 and 350.

The mausoleum is a large structure built as a tomb monument of Mausolus. It is considered one of the largest and most magnificent tomb monuments made in the ancient world. At the time of its construction, the mausoleum was remarkable for its enormous size and original architecture.

Many famous sculptors, architects, and artists were employed in the construction of the mosaic. The mausoleum is completed with a pediment rising on a base, a structure surrounded by columns on all four sides, a frieze and a quadriga statue on top. The Quadriga statue represents a four-horse chariot and is located at the top of the monument.

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus has undergone various destructions over time. First of all, M. The S. It was damaged by an earthquake that struck Bodrum in the 12th century and was later used as a fortress during the Byzantine period in the Middle Ages. It was damaged by an earthquake that struck Bodrum in the 20th century and was later used as a fortress during the Byzantine period in the Middle Ages. In later years, some of the stones were removed to be used in the construction of other structures.

Today, the original structure of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus has not fully survived. However, its remains can still be seen in Bodrum. The remains of the mausoleum are located inside Bodrum Castle and can be visited by visitors.

As one of the great monuments of antiquity, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus is a major attraction for history and archaeology enthusiasts. The design and size of the mausoleum is also important in that it reflects the aesthetic understanding and architectural art of the ancient period. At the same time, after the destruction of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the word "mausoleum" became a general term to refer to large tomb monuments.

Tepecik, Turgut Reis Cd. No:93, 48440 Bodrum/Muğla, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 2585 yorumun ortalaması 4.2
Emir Karaduman
25 Tem 2022
(5 ay önce)
Dünya'nın yedi harikasından biri olan Halikarnos Mozolesi yapıma MÖ 355 yılında anıt mezar anlamına gelen "mozole" kelimesine de adını veren Karya kralı Mausseus yapımına başlamıştır. Karya slında Pers imparatoeluğuna bağlı bir vilayettir ancak insanlar Maussesus'a saygıkarından ve başarılarından dolayı ona kral demektedir. Bilinenin aksine eşi ve aynı anda kız kardeşi olan Artemisia inşaatına başlamamıştır ancak MÖ 353 yılında Mausseus ölünce inşaata devam etmiştir. Mozole ilk büyük hasarlarını depremlerde almıştır ancak elimizdeki kaynaklar 1500 yıl boyunca ayakta kaldığı yönündedir. Mozoleye asıl zararlar Bodrum kalesini inşaa eden Rodos Şovalteleri tarafından, Fatih Sultan Mehmet'in saldırılarından oluşan hasarları kapatmak adına çaldıkları taşlar nedeniye oluşmuştur. 1856 yıkında ise Charles adlı ingiliz arkeolog Mausseus, Artemisa ve at arabası heykellerini çalarak British Museum'a götürmüştür. Mozoleyi kesinlikle gezmenizi tavsiye ederim fotoğrafların akisne harabe olsa da gittiğinizde insanı etkileyen bir yer hala, yanda küçük bir sergi odası açılmış burada harita üzerinde mozolenin bir maketi var, kazılarda çıkarılan heykel parçaları, işlemeler ve stünların yanı sora bir de güzel bir belgesel oynamakta.
Halil Ölmez
30 Eyl 2022
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Semiha Özdemir
27 Eki 2022
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Halikarnas Mozolesi (ya da Mausoleion), Kral Mausolos adına karısı ve kız kardeşi Artemisia(en) tarafından Halikarnassos'ta yaptırılmış, Dünyanın Yedi Harikası'ndan biri sayılan, kolonlarıyla Yunan mimarisini, piramit şeklindeki çatısıyla da Mısır mimarisini andıran oldukça büyük boyutlardaki mezar. Bu öneminden dolayı kendinden sonra gelen, aynı stildeki tüm yapılara mozole denmiştir
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