Yakutia Madrasah Museum of Turkish Islamic Artifacts and Ethnography

The Yakutia Madrasah was built in 1310 by Hoca Yakut Gazani on behalf of Gazan Khan and Bolugan Hatun during the reign of Sultan Olcayto. The Yakutia Madrassa, the largest of the closed courtyard madrasas in Anatolia, is one of the most magnificent buildings of Erzurum with its plan layout, ...

Yakutia Madrasah Museum of Turkish Islamic Artifacts and Ethnography

The Yakutia Madrasah was built in 1310 by Hoca Yakut Gazani on behalf of Gazan Khan and Bolugan Hatun during the reign of Sultan Olcayto. The Yakutia Madrassa, the largest of the closed courtyard madrasas in Anatolia, is one of the most magnificent buildings of Erzurum with its plan layout, balanced architecture and large motif decorations. The dome, built adjacent to the eastern wall of the Yakutia Madrasah, is made of brick.

The Yakutia Madrasah was built in 1310 by Hoca Yakut Gazani on behalf of Gazan Khan and Bolugan Hatun during the reign of Sultan Olcayto. The Yakutia Madrassa, the largest of the closed courtyard madrasas in Anatolia, is one of the most magnificent buildings of Erzurum with its plan layout, balanced architecture and large motif decorations. The dome, built adjacent to the eastern wall of the Yakutia Madrasah, is made of brick. The structure, which has three windows, is covered with tiles. To the right and left of the courtyard are six rooms with mutual cradles. From these, the room in the right corner also leads to the minaret. On the south tower, the foundation with the names of the six villages dedicated to this madrassa is hung with silhouette writing on the marble, the minaret decorated with intertwined geometric motifs and tiles, the embossed cords have gained a moving appearance. One of the thick-framed minarets in the corners has long since been demolished or never built. The base of this minaret is covered with a conical ash. The rooms of students and teachers are assigned according to their class and grade. Therefore, a different treatment at the entrance of each room is noteworthy. Restored in 1995, the madrasa is now used as the Museum of Turkish Islamic Artifacts and Ethnography.

Rabia Ana, Cumhuriyet Cad., 25030 Erzurum Merkez/Erzurum, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 8 yorumun ortalaması 4.0
mehmet batansu
25 Eyl 2021
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Bânisine ithafen Hoca Yâkut Medresesi adıyla da anılır. Kaynaklara göre uzun süre, eski Yeniçeri Kışlası’nın yerine 1877-1879’da yaptırılan yeni kışlanın içinde kalmıştır. Yine uzun yıllar top dökümhanesi olarak kullanılan binanın etrafında 1970’li yıllarda askerî birlikler bulunmaktaydı. Taçkapısının üzerindeki tek satırlık Arapça kitâbeye göre medrese, Olcaytu Hudâbende döneminde 710’da (1310-11) Gāzân Han ve Bolugan Hatun’un paralarıyla İlhanlılar’ın Bayburt ve Erzurum vilâyetlerinin emîri Cemâleddin Hoca Yâkut Gāzânî tarafından yaptırılmıştır.
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