The Religious Centers of Erzurum

Erzurum is a city located in the eastern part of Turkey and is quite rich in history. It has a very important location feature, especially in terms of listening history. The centers of faith in Erzurum are visited by many tourists from all over the world.

The Religious Centers of Erzurum

Erzurum is a city located in the eastern part of Turkey and is quite rich in history. It has a very important location feature, especially in terms of listening history. The centers of faith in Erzurum are visited by many tourists from all over the world.

Arslan Pasha Mosque
Arslan Pasha Mosque

Arslan Pasha Mosque, Arslan Pasha Mosque, a hidden pearl in the historical texture of Oltu, has a fascinating atmosphere with ...

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The Church of Ošvank
The Church of Ošvank

Öşvank Church is located in Çamlıyamaç Village, Uzundere County. It is famous for its colorful stone decorations and engraved figures. ...

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Georgian Gate Ali Aga Mosque
Georgian Gate Ali Aga Mosque

Georgian Gate Ali Aga Mosque, Erzurum Georgian Gate Ali Aga Mosque in Yakutiye district fascinates those who see it with ...

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The mosque of the bullet/Erzurum
The mosque of the bullet/Erzurum

Erzurum Kurşunlu Mosque is on the northwestern edge of the Inner Fortress. The Kurşunlu Mosque was built in 1701 by ...

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Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque
Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, shining in the dazzling historical skyline of Erzurum, Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque is a jewel reflecting ...

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The Murat Pasha  Mosque
The Murat Pasha Mosque

Murat Pasha Mosque, Erzurum Murat Pasha Mosque shines like a pearl reflecting the magnificent architecture of the Ottoman period. With ...

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The Caferiye Mosque
The Caferiye Mosque

The Mosque of Caferi was built in 1645 by Haji Cafer, the son of Ebubekir. It is one of the ...

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The Grand Mosque of Erzurum
The Grand Mosque of Erzurum

The Great Mosque of Erzurum is a building of great historical and architectural value among the sights of Erzurum. The ...

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The Narmanli Mosque
The Narmanli Mosque

Narmanlı Mosque, reflecting the mysterious history of Erzurum, is a monument built in the 12th century. This religious building, which ...

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The Church of Haho
The Church of Haho

Haho Church (Stone Mosque) is located in the village of Bağbaşı, in the district of Tortum. The structure, also known ...

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The most religious center in Erzurum is the Grand Mosque. The mosque, built in 1179 by the Seljuk Sultan Melik Izzeddin Keykavus, is particularly noteworthy for its architecture and historical value. The mosque extends over a large area with 3 gates, 2 minarets, a shrine and a courtyard. Other important religious centers in Erzurum include the Yakutia Madrassa, the Aziziye Tabiyas and the Double Minaret Madrassa.

These centers of faith in Erzurum form an important part not only of Turkish culture but also of Islamic culture. Therefore, different contents can be created for these centers in order to grow the tourism of the city. For example, historical stories, documentaries, and photo exhibitions can offer a better understanding of the value and historical value of these centers of faith. In addition, events and festivals can be organised to make these centres even more important in terms of tourism.