The route of the Gallipoli Peninsula

The Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park is located in the Marmara Region, within the borders of Çanakkale Province. It was declared a National Park in 1973. Its surface area is 33,490 hectares. It is 490 hectares. Within the boundaries of the Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park there are 1 ...

The route of the Gallipoli Peninsula

The Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park is located in the Marmara Region, within the borders of Çanakkale Province. It was declared a National Park in 1973. Its surface area is 33,490 hectares. It is 490 hectares. Within the boundaries of the Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park there are 1 municipality (Eceabat) and 8 villages.

The Ertuğrul Regiment
The Ertuğrul Regiment

Tabya: It is a military structure covered with earth, reinforced with weapons and firearms made to defend an area. The ...

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Martyrdom and Monument of Sergeant John
Martyrdom and Monument of Sergeant John

On April 25, 1915, Yahya Çavuş fought a great battle with his soldiers against thousands of enemy soldiers who came ...

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The fortress of Seddulbahir
The fortress of Seddulbahir

Located at the southern end of the Galibolu Peninsula, the castle was built in 1659 along with Kumkale on the ...

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Monument to the First Martyrs
Monument to the First Martyrs

On November 3, 1914, the Seddülbahir Fortress was bombed by a large fleet of powerful ships. As a result of ...

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Çanakkale Martyrs' Monument
Çanakkale Martyrs' Monument

Çanakkale Martyrs' Monument, Çanakkale Martyrs' Monument, is a magnificent monument built to commemorate the martyrs who lost their lives in ...

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Monument to Marshal Fevzi
Monument to Marshal Fevzi

The monument was built in 1941 in the area where Fevzi Pasha (who later took the surname Çakmak) fought. The ...

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The statue of Corporal Seyit
The statue of Corporal Seyit

On March 18, 1915, a major battle was fought in the Bosphorus against the large fleet that aimed to take ...

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Monument to Nuri Yamut in the ruins
Monument to Nuri Yamut in the ruins

During the war, the Zündere region was the scene of very violent clashes. That's why this is one of the ...

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The last arrow monument
The last arrow monument

The monument is located in the Battle of Çanakkale III. It is located in the area where the Battle of ...

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The Martyrdom of Sargiyeri
The Martyrdom of Sargiyeri

The martyrdom was erected in 1945 in memory of our soldiers who were martyred in the Battle of the Bulge. ...

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Martyrdom to the Onions
Martyrdom to the Onions

The Soğanlıdere Martyrdom was built in memory of a corporal and nine men who were martyred during an aerial bombardment ...

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Martyrdom to the Witness
Martyrdom to the Witness

Located on the Gallipoli Peninsula, due to the presence of water and shady trees in the area, and the fact ...

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The castle of Kilitbahir
The castle of Kilitbahir

The castle was built between 1462 and 1463 by Fatih Sultan Mehmet to take control of the defense of the ...

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Center for the Promotion of the Canakkale Epic
Center for the Promotion of the Canakkale Epic

The center, which opened in 2012 in the Kabatepe area of the Galibolu Peninsula, is one of the most visited ...

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Hospital Martyrdom to the Husband
Hospital Martyrdom to the Husband

Our soldiers who were wounded and martyred on the Aryburnu Front lie in the martyrdom near the village of Kocadere. ...

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Martyrdom at the Agadere Hospital
Martyrdom at the Agadere Hospital

The region of Ağadere or Ağdere is one of the major hospitals that provided medical services to the Turkish army ...

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A tribute to the craftsman
A tribute to the craftsman

The monument was built in 1992 in memory of the gentlemanly treatment of the soldiers of both sides who fought ...

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Martyrdom of the 57th Infantry Regiment. Martyrdom of the Infantry Regiment
Martyrdom of the 57th Infantry Regiment. Martyrdom of the Infantry Regiment

A regiment is a military group of between 1,300 and 3,000 soldiers. The 57th Regiment, commanded by Colonel Huseyn Avni ...

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Conkbayır Atatürk Victory Monument is located in Conkbayır
Conkbayır Atatürk Victory Monument is located in Conkbayır

The monument at the top of Conkbayırı was built in 1993 in memory of Mustafa Kemal's great victory over the ...

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The Great Martyrdom of Anafarta Village
The Great Martyrdom of Anafarta Village

Our soldiers who were martyred on the Anafarta Front in 1915 are also buried in the Great Anafarta Village Cemetery. ...

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Bigalı Atatürk House and Museum
Bigalı Atatürk House and Museum

As a monument reflecting the historical fabric of Turkey, Bigalı Atatürk House and Museum unforgettably recreates Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's role ...

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The Martyrdom of Akbash and the Monument
The Martyrdom of Akbash and the Monument

The port of Akbash, where the martyrdom was located, was an important center where war supplies were brought ashore during ...

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The Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park is located in the Marmara Region, within the borders of Çanakkale Province. It was declared a National Park in 1973. Its surface area is 33,490 hectares. It is 490 hectares. Within the boundaries of the Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park there are 1 municipality (Eceabat) and 8 villages.

The Battles of Çanakkale are an epic defense of the Turkish Nation against the most powerful states of the world, won by the superhuman resistance under the leadership of Colonel Mustafa Kemal. In this eight-and-a-half-month war, both sides of the Bosphorus became hell, with nearly half a million lives lost.

In the Battle of Çanakkale, one of the largest battles in the world fought between the Allied Powers and the Ottoman Army in the First World War, monuments to the memory of hundreds of thousands of casualties and martyrdoms are a reminder of the suffering of the war as well as one of the great victories of history. Monuments that rise above the sacred memories of more than 250,000 Turkish martyrs and another 250. The National Park, which includes monuments to the sacred memories of more than 10,000 Turkish martyrs and the graves of more than 250,000 British, French, Australian and New Zealand soldiers, today speaks to the world about the value of peace. The National Park, which includes the burial sites of over 20,000 British, French, Australian and New Zealand soldiers, today speaks to the world about the value of peace. Within the Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park there are 56 indigenous monuments and 35 Foreign Tombs and Monuments of Martyrdom.

Every year, on March 18 and April 24, the Battles of Canakkale Land and Sea are commemorated with ceremonies.

Monument to the Martyrs of Çanakkale

It is located on Fort Hill, which rises behind Morto Bay, at the tip of the Gallipoli Peninsula. It was built in memory of those who were martyred in the Battle of Çanakkale. The foundation stone was laid on 19 April 1954 and it was opened for visitors on 21 August 1960. The reliefs at the foot of the main caid were completed in 2002, and in 2004 changes were made to the ceremonial area and the symbolic martyrdom. The monument, which was restored in 2005, took its final form in 2007 with the construction of a new martyrdom on the site where it was located.

The monument, which is 41.70 cm high, rises over four feet in an area of 625 square meters. The 70 cm monument rises on all fours over an area of 625 square meters. From a distance, it looks like the letter M of Mehmetçi. A Turkish flag is carved from mosaic on the ceiling of the monument.

On the left side of the entrance of the monument is a symbolic martyrdom made in 1992 for our martyrs who gave their lives, their most precious possessions, running from every corner of our country to Çanakkale.

Immediately to the right of the entrance gate of the martyrdom are the words written by Mustafa Kemal in 1934 addressing foreign soldiers and read by the Minister of the Interior of the time, Şükür Kaya, on Anzak Day:

Mothers who send their children to war from distant lands, wipe away your tears. Your children are in our hearts. They are at peace, and they will sleep in peace. After they gave their lives on this land, they are now our children. Oh, my God.