The Swinging Knives

Its stems are made of horn or wood, its shell is made of leather, and it has handmade patterns of Babakale knives.

The Swinging Knives

Its stems are made of horn or wood, its shell is made of leather, and it has handmade patterns of Babakale knives.

Its stems are made of horn or wood, its shell is made of leather, and it has handmade patterns of Babakale knives. It's handmade, following a family tradition. There's only one knife shop in the village these days. You can buy knives as a souvenir for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones from your visit to the Father's Castle.

Babakale Köyü İç Yolu, 17860 Babakale/Ayvacık/Çanakkale, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 16 yorumun ortalaması 4.6
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