This is Chengelköy.

Çengelköy, one of the historic districts of Boğaziçi, is a peaceful place where you can eat and drink tea/coffee with a view of the strait. In particular, the Historic Chalk Cafe is one of the most visited places. When you come to Çengelköy, you can visit the historic Çınaraltı Mosque, ...

This is Chengelköy.

Çengelköy, one of the historic districts of Boğaziçi, is a peaceful place where you can eat and drink tea/coffee with a view of the strait. In particular, the Historic Chalk Cafe is one of the most visited places. When you come to Çengelköy, you can visit the historic Çınaraltı Mosque, Çengelköy Fountain and boat dock, Aya Yorgi Church.

Çengelköy, one of the historic districts of Boğaziçi, is a peaceful place where you can eat and drink tea/coffee with a view of the strait. In particular, the Historic Chalk Cafe is one of the most visited places. When you come to Çengelköy, you can visit the historic Çınaraltı Mosque, Çengelköy Fountain and boat dock, Aya Yorgi Church.

Çengelköy, 34680 Üsküdar/İstanbul, Türkiye


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