Burgazada Mosque

Where is Burgazada Mosque, Burgazada Mosque Directions, Burgazada Mosque History, Burgazada Mosque Architectural Features, Parts of Burgazada Mosque, What is there to do around Burgazada Mosque? Who built Burgazada Mosque? Information you wonder about Burgazada Mosque is on Nomatto!

Burgazada Mosque

The Burgazada Mosque, built in 1953 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul, is the only mosque on the island. The Burgazada Mosque is the only mosque on the island. The octagonal concrete mosque has a large and high dome. A triangular stone and a rectangular final congregation space were added to the mosque later, with a small niche with a cradle dome on the right central wall. The mosque has 3 large windows on the lower floor, 8 arched windows on the upper floor, and 24 plaster-framed windows on the dome. Where is Burgazada Mosque, Burgazada Mosque Directions, Burgazada Mosque History, Burgazada Mosque Architectural Features, Parts of Burgazada Mosque, What is there to do around Burgazada Mosque? Who built Burgazada Mosque? Information you wonder about Burgazada Mosque is on Nomatto!

The mosque in Burgazada is a structure that stands out for its architectural diversity, its historical context and the value it adds to the cultural fabric of the island. The visitors. The mosque in Burgazada They can have unforgettable moments between the inner peace of the island and the natural beauty of the island. The mosque in Burgazada It is an important part of the historical and cultural heritage of the island and inspires both locals and visitors by keeping alive the memory of the conquest of Istanbul.

Where's the mosque?

Where is the mosque in Burgazada? Burgazada Mosque: is a historical and cultural place of worship located in Burgazada, located on the Sea of Marmara, on Sakıp Sabancı Street in Istanbul.

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How do you get to the mosque here?

How do you get to the mosque here? To reach Burgazada from Istanbul, you can first use the ferries or sea buses that leave from Beşiktaş, Kadıköy or Kabataş. There are flights from different parts of Istanbul to Burgazada. You can use the websites or mobile applications of official transport companies such as İstanbul Deniz Otobüsleri (IDO) or Şehir Hatları to find out in advance and get up-to-date information about ferry and sea bus operating hours.

When you get to Burgazada, The mosque in Burgazada It's pretty easy to get to. The mosque is located in the interior of the island, on the promenade road. If you prefer to walk or cycle when you arrive on the island, you can follow these steps:

  • Ferry or Sea Bus Pier: When you reach Burgazada by ferry or sea bus from Istanbul, start walking from the pier towards the interior of the island.
  • The promenade street: When you start walking down the pier, follow the promenade street. You'll be walking or cycling down this street.
  • The mosque in Burgaz: After about 10-15 minutes of walking or cycling, you will reach the Burgazada Mosque. The mosque is clearly visible and marked on the street.
  • Visit to the mosque: When you arrive at the mosque, you can enter and take time to worship or experience its historical and spiritual atmosphere.

The history of the mosque in Burgazada

The history of the Burgazada Mosque Burgazada Mosque is an important place of worship and culture located in Burgazada, located on the Sea of Marmara, on Sakıp Sabancı Street, Istanbul. The mosque was built in 1953 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul. It was built in 1953 to commemorate the anniversary. This historical context shows that the mosque has both religious and historical significance.

The mosque in Burgazada Its architectural design bears a modern touch while reflecting the traditional elements of Turkish architecture. The architect of the mosque. This is Burhan Ongun. ' is. The mosque has an octagonal plan, which reflects a different conception of design than other mosques. The dome of the mosque, covered with a high dome, is a remarkable architectural feature. This design helps the interior of the mosque to offer a spacious and spacious atmosphere.

Here is information about the mosque

Here is information about the mosque The mosque in Burgazada Due to its central location on the island, it is easily accessible. Visitors have the opportunity to worship in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the mosque. The mosque in Burgazada It is surrounded by the natural beauty of the island and a fascinating view of the Sea of Marmara. Thus, in addition to worship, visitors to the mosque can enjoy the magic of the landscape and enjoy the natural atmosphere of the island. The minaret of the Burgazada Mosque was built before the construction of the mosque was completed.

The minaret was built with a combination of wood and stone materials in accordance with the design of the mosque. The Mosque of Burgazada There's a community with him. This community is an important feature of the island, allowing people of different faiths to come together for worship. The mosque in Burgazada With its historical, architectural and spiritual value, it represents one of the important cultural riches not only of the island but also of Istanbul. The mosque in Burgazada It was built to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul and has both religious and historical significance. It was built to commemorate the anniversary and has both religious and historical significance. The presence of this historic structure in the peaceful atmosphere of the island offers visitors both an aesthetic and a spiritual experience.

Burgazadası, Gezinti Yolu Cd. No:29, 34975 Adalar/İstanbul, Türkiye


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