Owner of the Horse Foundation Museum
Owner of the Horse Foundation Museum
The architect of the abbey, built in 1277 by Sahib Atâ Fahreddin Ali, one of the viziers of the Anatolian Seljuk State, was Keluk b. It is Abdullah. As a plan for the settlement of the village, the mosque in the north, the mosque adjacent to the altar wall of the mosque, the tomb of Fahreddin Ali, his wife and children, the hankah adjacent to the southern wall of the mosque, the double bath is located just across the road. Câmi has a portal entrance from the north. There are two overlapping cells on the right and left of the portal, and the ones at the bottom serve as seals. The porch surrounding the entrance door is inscribed with the suras Besmele and Fatiha. The hânkâh (dergâh) part of the tower was organized by the Regional Directorate of Foundations as the Sahib Atâ Foundation Museum and opened for visits.