The Great Palandoken Bastion

Where is the Great Palandoken Bastion? Directions to the Great Palandoken Bastion, Great Palandoken Bastion Artifacts, Great Palandoken Bastion Virtual Tour, Which is the Most Famous Artifact of the Great Palandoken Bastion? Is Museum Card Valid at the Great Palandoken Bastion? Great Palandoken Bastion Entrance Fees, Great Palandoken Bastion Visiting ...

The Great Palandoken Bastion

The Great Palandoken Bastion was built between 1884 and 1896 during the reign of Abdülhamid II, based on a project drawn under the leadership of Şahap Pasha, and was carefully designed to control the valley behind the Palandoken Mountains, starting from the southwest corner of the Pasinler Plain at an altitude of 2850 m and continuing westward. Where is the Great Palandoken Bastion? Directions to the Great Palandoken Bastion, Great Palandoken Bastion Artifacts, Great Palandoken Bastion Virtual Tour, Which is the Most Famous Artifact of the Great Palandoken Bastion? Is Museum Card Valid at the Great Palandoken Bastion? Great Palandoken Bastion Entrance Fees, Great Palandoken Bastion Visiting Hours, What to Do Around Great Palandoken Bastion? Information you wonder about the Great Palandoken Bastion is on Nomatto!
Yalınca, R74W+XF, 25080 Tekman/Erzurum, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 2 yorumun ortalaması 4.0
Doğanın Sırdaşları
04 Kas 2022
(5 ay önce)
Sultan II. Abdülhamit döneminde 1884-1896 yılları arasında, Şahab Paşa tarafından Pasinler Ovası'nın güneybatı köşesinden başlayan ve batıya doğru devam eden Palandöken Dağlarının arkasında kalan vadiyi kontrol altında tutmak için yapılmıştır. * Bu tarihi tabyanın yer ve konum bilgisi tarafımızca Google Haritalara başarıyla eklenmiştir.
Talip Gurbuz
16 Ağu 2022
(8 ay önce)
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