The nature of the mosque

Located at an altitude of 2042 meters at the northern end of the mountain, the fortress was built by Sultan Abdulmecit in order to resist attacks from the Yanik River in the east and the Georgian Strait in the north. The Tabernacle consists of side-by-side ward rooms built on an ...

The nature of the mosque

Located at an altitude of 2042 meters at the northern end of the mountain, the fortress was built by Sultan Abdulmecit in order to resist attacks from the Yanik River in the east and the Georgian Strait in the north. The Tabernacle consists of side-by-side ward rooms built on an arch-shaped plan overlooking a large courtyard.

Located at an altitude of 2042 meters at the northern end of the mountain, the fortress was built by Sultan Abdulmecit in order to resist attacks from the Yanik River in the east and the Georgian Strait in the north. The Tabernacle consists of side-by-side ward rooms built on an arch-shaped plan overlooking a large courtyard. The length of the central part of the spring, which extends in a north-south direction, is 63.85 meters, and the lateral parts are 20.20 meters. There is a large courtyard to the west of the tabernacle. The Tabya of the Mosque is made of good quality cube stone and the walls facing the front and rear facade are kept slightly thin because they do not have a bearing capacity (1,10), the walls that extend vertically between these walls and form the ward rooms are built thicker (1,60). Of course, it's covered from the outside with a flat drop of dirt. Due to the fact that it is the oldest of the 21 battalions, there are no innovations such as ambush and artillery rooms, headquarters rooms found in subsequent battalions.

Gaziler, 25200 Yakutiye/Erzurum, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 118 yorumun ortalaması 4.6
13 Şub 2022
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