The University of Istanbul
Istanbul University, the oldest state university in Turkey, is considered to be a continuation of Darülfün, the European-style university of the Ottoman Empire. The historic entrance gate in Beyazıt Square is one of the most visited historical buildings today. This gate was called the serasker gate in Ottoman times. On ...
The University of Istanbul
Istanbul University, the oldest state university in Turkey, is considered to be a continuation of Darülfün, the European-style university of the Ottoman Empire. The historic entrance gate in Beyazıt Square is one of the most visited historical buildings today. This gate was called the serasker gate in Ottoman times. On the right side of the door is the first verse of the Surah Al-Fatihah: "Indeed, We have given you a clear victory. And on the left is the third verse of the Surah Al-Fatihah, and may Allah help you with a small victory. His writing stands out.
Beyazıt, 34452 Fatih/İstanbul, Türkiye