The Door of the Dungeon

The Dungeon Gate, located in the magnificent Belgrade Castle, is the most famous gate in Belgrade, both for its appearance and for its name. The Prison Gate was built in the middle of the 15th century as a whole with walls. It has undergone major changes from the century to ...

The Door of the Dungeon

The Dungeon Gate, located in the magnificent Belgrade Castle, is the most famous gate in Belgrade, both for its appearance and for its name. The Prison Gate was built in the middle of the 15th century as a whole with walls. It has undergone major changes from the century to the present day. It was built in the middle of the century as a whole with walls. The gate, located between two round towers, has undergone major changes since the 15th century. It's undergone great changes from the turn of the century to the present.

The Dungeon Gate, located in the magnificent Belgrade Castle, is the most famous gate in Belgrade, both for its appearance and for its name. The Prison Gate was built in the middle of the 15th century as a whole with walls. It has undergone major changes from the century to the present day. It was built in the middle of the century as a whole with walls. Located between two round towers, the gate has undergone major changes from the 15th century to the present day. It was built as part of a fortification system in the century. It's undergone great changes from the turn of the century to the present. It was built in the 15th century as part of a system of fortifications. In the century, during the transition from primitive weapons to firearms, it lost its defensive function and was used as a prison. It was built in the 20th century as part of a fortification system. In the 18th century, during the transition from primitive weapons to firearms, it lost its defensive function and was used as a prison. In the 20th century, during the transition from primitive weapons to firearms, it lost its defensive function and was used as a prison. Therefore, it is named after the dungeon that was used during the Ottoman period.

Београд, Beograd, Sırbistan


Google Yorumlarda 75 yorumun ortalaması 4.9
Kenan Çelik
04 May 2021
(bir yıl önce)
Muhteşem bir yer kesinlikle görülmesi gereken yerlerden
Osman ÇiL
26 Oca 2020
(2 yıl önce)
15. Yüzyılın ortalarında yapılmış İki yuvarlak kule arasında bulunan kapı içte Despot'un Kapısına dışta Leopol'un Kapısına birer köprüyle bağlanır. 18. yüzyıldan itibaren Osmanlı İmparatorluğu tarafından zindan olarak kullanılan kulelerin zemininden dolayı Zindan Kapısı olarak adlandırılmıştır.
Zafer Kemik
30 Kas 2018
(4 yıl önce)
Osmanlı döneminde zindanların bulunduğu bölgenin kapısı olduğu söylenmektedir
Ruzica Radovanovic Bulic
02 Haz 2019
(3 yıl önce)
Bu kapının adı, Türkçe zindan = zindan (hapishane) kelimesinden geliyor. 1440 ve 1456 yılları arasında inşa edilmiştir. Leopold Kapısı (dış) ile Despot Kapısı (iç) arasında bulunur. Zindan Kapısı iki yuvarlak aynı kule arasında yer alması nedeniyle çok ilginç ve karakteristiktir. Kapı, her iki tarafta demir ve yardımcı odaları olan sağlam kapılara sahiptir. Kulelerin kuleleri, Türkler tarafından 18. yüzyılda Hıristiyanlar için bir zindan olarak kullanılmıştır (ve böylece isimlendirilmiştir).
Горан Анђелић
29 Nis 2017
(5 yıl önce)
Güzel Zindan Kapısı ve Kazanan, Kalemegdan Kalesi'nin en ünlü simgelerinden biridir. Karakteristik görünümü, kapıyı ve köprüyü koruyan dairesel kulelere ve kulenin düşmanlara sıcak katran döküldüğü tırtıklı üst kısmına borçludur. Kapının adı, mahzenlerinin Türkler tarafından zindan olarak kullanıldığını gösterir. Pitoreskliği nedeniyle, genellikle ziyaretçileri fotoğraflamak için bir sebeptir.
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