The ancient city of Shuayb and Huzur. The Cave of Shuayb.

The ancient city of Shuayb, 13 km from Hanel Ba ⁇ rur ⁇ . It's after. Harran is 39 km away. The Ancient City of Shuayb, Late Roman period (c. The S. It is a settlement dating back to the 4th-5th century. It is a settlement dating back to the ...

The ancient city of Shuayb and Huzur. The Cave of Shuayb.

The ancient city of Shuayb, 13 km from Hanel Ba ⁇ rur ⁇ . It's after. Harran is 39 km away. The Ancient City of Shuayb, Late Roman period (c. The S. It is a settlement dating back to the 4th-5th century. It is a settlement dating back to the 20th century.

The ancient city of Shuayb, 13 km from Hanel Ba ⁇ rur ⁇ . It's after. Harran is 39 km away. The Ancient City of Shuayb, Late Roman period (c. The S. It is a settlement dating back to the 4th-5th century. It is a settlement dating back to the 20th century. It's all right. Shuayb is believed to have lived here for some time. This ancient city takes its name from this legend. A cave in the area is still visited as the shrine of the Prophet Shu'ayb. As a result of research carried out by scholars at various times in this settlement, the consensus is that the name of the city of Shuayb means "Old People's City" in Arabic and that the houses in this settlement were the summer quarters of the people living in the Harran Plain.

Şuayipşehri, 63510 Harran/Şanlıurfa, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 214 yorumun ortalaması 4.3
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Alaaddin atti Demir
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şanli urfa Harran ilçesinde bulunuyor Şuayip antik kenti kent koyle iç içe levhalar yok gibi sorduğunuzda kimse tam tarif edemiyor bizde zor bulduk yollar bozuk ve dar meşakkatli gitmek antik kent neredeyse gömülmüş gibi kenti simgeleyen resimlerde iki pencere ayakta onun dışında çoğu yere gömülmüş öyle düz bi yolu yok inip inip çıkıyor atlayıp zıplayarak geziyorsunuz çekildiğim pozlarda tırmanmak zorunda kaldım kolay değil resimlere için zaten belli bi alanda resim cekiyorsunuz biraz dikkatli olmanız gerek sakatlanabilirsiniz sıcak bölgelerde akrep yılan gibi şeylerle karşılaşabilirsiniz
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