The Hill of Harran

The archaeologist Dr. Excavations carried out in the hill from 2003 under the chairmanship of Nurettin the Deputy Chairman revealed artifacts belonging to various periods. In the excavations at the mound, M. Oh, my God. The finds, dated to the 7th millennium BCE, are the heads of the figure and ...

The Hill of Harran

The archaeologist Dr. Excavations carried out in the hill from 2003 under the chairmanship of Nurettin the Deputy Chairman revealed artifacts belonging to various periods. In the excavations at the mound, M. Oh, my God. The finds, dated to the 7th millennium BCE, are the heads of the figure and the figure of the Old Bronze Age, M. The finds, dated to the Halaf period, are the heads of the figure and the figure of the Old Bronze Age, M. Oh, my God. Cylinder seals dated to the period of ancient Assyria, 1950 M. Cylinder seals dated to 950 B.C.E. Oh, my God. Cooked clay tablets and votive scrolls have been found, dating back to the 6th century, mentioning King Nabonidus and the temple of Sin. Boiled clay tablets and votive scrolls have been found, dating back to the 11th century, mentioning King Nabonidus and the temple of Sin.
The archaeologist Dr. Excavations carried out in the hill from 2003 under the chairmanship of Nurettin the Deputy Chairman revealed artifacts belonging to various periods. In the excavations at the mound, M. Oh, my God. The finds, dated to the 7th millennium BCE, are the heads of the figure and the figure of the Old Bronze Age, M. The finds, dated to the Halaf period, are the heads of the figure and the figure of the Old Bronze Age, M. Oh, my God. Cylinder seals dated to the period of ancient Assyria, 1950 M. Cylinder seals dated to 950 B.C.E. Oh, my God. Cooked clay tablets and votive scrolls have been found, dating back to the 6th century, mentioning King Nabonidus and the temple of Sin. Boiled clay tablets and votive scrolls have been found, dating back to the 11th century, mentioning King Nabonidus and the temple of Sin. Since prehistoric times, the hill and its surroundings have been home to important civilizations such as the Halaf, the Ubaid, the Uruk, the Bronze Age, the Hittites, the Hurri, the Mitanni, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Hellenistic, the Romans, the Byzantines and the Seljuks during the Islamic era. The artifacts from the excavations are exhibited in the Şanlıurfa Museum. The architectural structures that appear in the remains of the city from the Islamic period consist of rectangular and square-planned houses with adjoining regular streets and rooms that open onto the courtyard. Among the architectural remains, mills rotated by human power give information about the grinding industry of the time. The excavated remains of the city also provide information about an advanced city planning and the socio-economic standard of living of that era.

Sultantepe, Köyü, 63000 Eyyübiye/Şanlıurfa, Türkiye


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