This is Lake Aynzeliha.

Aynzeliha Lake is a natural lake located in Şanlıurfa Province, Turkey. Lake Aynzeliha is located in the north of the Harran Plain and covers an area of about 40 hectares. The lake is often a favorite place for visitors and locals to relax and have picnics. Halil-ur Rahman is a ...

This is Lake Aynzeliha.

Aynzeliha Lake is a natural lake located in Şanlıurfa Province, Turkey. Lake Aynzeliha is located in the north of the Harran Plain and covers an area of about 40 hectares. The lake is often a favorite place for visitors and locals to relax and have picnics. Halil-ur Rahman is a lake located just south of Lake Rahman, in front of Urfa Castle, with an area of 150 m2. The fish in this lake are not eaten because it is believed that the place is sacred. According to tradition, when Abraham was thrown into the fire, Nimrod's daughter Zeliah, When he says he believes in the religion of Abraham, he is thrown into the fire by his father. Zeliha burns to death. Later, a lake is formed where Zeliha fell. This lake is also called Aynzeliha (Zeliha Lake or Spring). Where is Lake Aynzeliha, Lake Aynzeliha? How to get to Lake Aynzeliha? What are the activities to do at Lake Aynzeliha? Information about the legend of Lake Aynzeliha is given below.

This is Lake Aynzeliha.

Aynzeliha Lake is a natural lake located in Şanlıurfa Province, Turkey. Lake Aynzeliha is located in the north of the Harran Plain and covers an area of about 40 hectares. This is Lake Aynzeliha. It is usually preferred by visitors and locals as a place to relax and have a picnic. Halil-ur Rahman is a lake located just south of Lake Rahman, in front of Urfa Castle, with an area of 150 m2. The fish in this lake are not eaten because it is believed that the place is sacred. According to tradition, when Abraham was thrown into the fire, Nimrod's daughter Zeliah, When he says he believes in the religion of Abraham, he is thrown into the fire by his father. Zeliha burns to death. Later, a lake is formed where Zeliha fell. This lake is also called Aynzeliha (Zeliha Lake or Spring).

Şanlıurfa Aynzeliha Lake is known for its natural beauty and cool atmosphere. Around the lake there are picnic areas full of greenery, and visitors can relax in the company of a beautiful natural landscape. The trees and vegetation around the lake make the surroundings of the lake even more beautiful. Lake Aynzeliha is also an interesting place for bird watchers. The wetlands around the lake provide a stopover point for migratory birds. Especially in spring and autumn, it is possible to observe different species of birds in the lake. Therefore, the lake area is an important attraction for bird watchers.

Lake Aynzeliha is also associated with a mythological story. According to the story, The burning of Abraham took place here. The name of the lake is based on this story. The term "Aynzeliha" means "eye of fire" in Arabic. Aynzeliha Lake is a place worth exploring with the historical and cultural riches of Şanlıurfa. Visitors to the lake can find the opportunity to relax, have picnics, and enjoy nature. They can also enjoy the natural life at the bird-watching spots around the lake. For those who visit Şanlıurfa, Lake Aynzeliha offers an unforgettable experience with its natural beauty.

Where is Lake Aynzeliha?

Where is Lake Aynzeliha? Aynzeliha Lake is located within the borders of Harran County, Şanlıurfa Province, in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. It is located in the north of the Harran Plain, about 44 kilometers from the city center of Şanlıurfa. During visits to the city center of Şanlıurfa, Lake Aynzeliha is also easily accessible.

The Glorious Route of Faith and Culture, This is Harran. and ... Half of it . You can check out our itinerary if you want. Places to visit in Şanlıurfa You can create your own itinerary on our page.

How to Get to Lake Aynzeliha

How to get to Lake Aynzeliha? You can use different means of transportation to get to Lake Aynzeliha. To get to Aynzeliha Lake from the city center of Şanlıurfa, you can choose the following methods:

  • Special vehicle: If you are travelling by your own vehicle, leave the city centre of Şanlıurfa and proceed towards the D400 motorway. After passing through Harran County on the highway, you can follow the lake signs to Lake Aynzeliha. The journey time may vary depending on traffic and road conditions.
  • The public transport: You can also reach Lake Aynzeliha from the city center of Şanlıurfa by public transport. From the bus station in the city center, take the Harran vans to the Harran district. From Harran, you can get to Lake Aynzeliha by van or taxi. You can get local transport information for travel time and minibus trips from the bus station or from the tourist information points.
  • Taxi or Private Transfer: You can also get to Lake Aynzeliha from the city center of Şanlıurfa by taking a taxi or a special transfer service. Traveling by taxi may be a faster and more comfortable option. You can also get information about private transfer services by contacting local service providers such as hotels or travel agencies.

Travel time and transportation conditions may vary when travelling to Lake Aynzeliha, so it is important to check for up-to-date information before travelling. You can also get to the lake more easily by getting guidance and information from the locals or from the tourist advice points.

Lake Aynzeliha to the Activity This is r.

Lake Aynzeliha is unique to visitors for its natural beauty and historical significance activities It offers. Here are some of the activities you can do at Lake Aynzeliha:

  • Walking and Picnic: You can walk around Lake Aynzeliha and enjoy nature. You can have a picnic in the green areas around the lake, spend a nice day with your family or friends.
  • Bird watching :Aynzeliha Lake is one of the stops for various bird species. You can watch birds and recognize bird species from the bird observation towers or natural platforms around the lake. Especially during the migratory seasons, you may have the opportunity to observe different species of birds.
  • This is photography. The natural beauty of Lake Aynzeliha, the reflections of the water and the birds, is an ideal point of attraction for photographers. You can take photographs to capture the colors of nature and the atmosphere of the lake.
  • The Boat Trip: There are boat tours on the lake, where you can walk on the calm waters of the lake and observe the scenery more closely. Boat tours are usually organized by local tour companies or guides.

Note: The fish in this lake are not eaten because they are believed to be sacred. You can taste local delicacies in the restaurants around Lake Aynzeliha or relax in the residential areas around the lake and enjoy a peaceful atmosphere. However, it is important to check up-to-date information and seek guidance from local authorities before visiting.

The history of Lake Aynzeliha

Lake Aynzeliha is a lake of historical and mythological significance. According to a legend in Islamic and Mesopotamian mythology, When Abraham was thrown into the fire, the lake sprayed water to extinguish the fire. This legend has led to the lake being considered a sacred place and becoming popular with visitors.

The history of Lake Aynzeliha goes back thousands of years. The lake is located in the historic Harran Plain, which is associated with the region's irrigation systems. This plain was one of the important centers of Mesopotamian civilization. Therefore, archaeological remains and historical structures can be found around the lake.

The area around the lake is an area of important archaeological excavations and discoveries of interest to archaeologists and history researchers. The remains of the ancient city, especially in the Harran Plain, and the studies carried out by the Department of Archaeology of Harran University, reveal the historical and cultural richness of the region.

Lake Aynzeliha has become a popular tourist destination among visitors due to the rich history and mythological past of Şanlıurfa. In addition to natural beauty, visitors to the lake can experience historical and cultural values. However, if you want to learn more about historical details and archaeological discoveries, it is advisable to ask local guides or archaeological experts.

The legend of Lake Aynzeliha

The legend of Lake Aynzeliha It's a story that's been passed down from generation to generation in and around Şanlıurfa. According to legend, An incident in which Abraham was thrown into a fire and the fire turned into water caused the formation of Lake Enzelihah. The story goes like this: In the face of the pagan beliefs of his people, Abraham believed in the one God and opposed idols. His people, Jesus. He did not approve of Abraham's behavior and wanted to punish him by burning him. So they lit a fire, and Jesus said, They threw Abraham into the fire. But H.G. Because of Abraham's faith and devotion to God, the fire did not harm him. On the contrary, fire turned into water, creating Lake Aynzeliha. Aynzeliha means "eye of fire" in Arabic, and this name comes from the legendary origin of the lake.

According to the legend of Lake Aynzeliha, the water of Lake Aynzeliha, It is a sign of Abraham's faith and devotion to God. The vegetation and natural beauty around the lake are preserved as a reminder of this sacred story. The legend of Lake Aynzeliha is part of the cultural and religious heritage of Şanlıurfa and offers visitors a mystical atmosphere. Visitors to the lake can explore this legendary story more closely and experience the historical and cultural richness of Şanlıurfa.

Camikebir, Balıklı Göl Cd., 63210 Eyyübiye/Şanlıurfa, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 37 yorumun ortalaması 4.8
Samet Karaca
19 Ara 2022
(2 hafta önce)
Hz. İbrahim'in ateşten kurtulmasını gören Nemrut'un kızı Zelihayı ateşe atar ve kızının diri diri yanarak ölüşünü seyreder. Zeliha'nın düştüğü yerde bir göl ve bu gölün içinde balıklar oluşur. O günden bu güne Zeliha'nın düştüğü yere Zeliha'nın Pınarı ya da Zeliha'nın Gözyaşı anlamına gelen Aynzeliha denmektedir.
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