The historical remains of the Black Sea

There are historical remains from the late Roman and early Byzantine periods along the asphalt road that runs north-west from the front of the Karadedeli Village mosque on kilometer 13 from Silifke to Mersin. There are historical remains dating from the late Roman and early Byzantine periods along the asphalt ...

The historical remains of the Black Sea

There are historical remains from the late Roman and early Byzantine periods along the asphalt road that runs north-west from the front of the Karadedeli Village mosque on kilometer 13 from Silifke to Mersin. There are historical remains dating from the late Roman and early Byzantine periods along the asphalt road that runs north-west from the front of the Karadedeli Village mosque to the village of Imamli. These are the black-footed ferret, the light-footed ferret, and the black-footed ferret.

There are historical remains from the late Roman and early Byzantine periods along the asphalt road that runs north-west from the front of the Karadedeli Village mosque on kilometer 13 from Silifke to Mersin. There are historical remains dating from the late Roman and early Byzantine periods along the asphalt road that runs north-west from the front of the Karadedeli Village mosque to the village of Imamli. These are the black-footed ferret, the light-footed ferret, and the black-footed ferret.

Doğancı, Atayurt, 33940 Silifke/Mersin, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 4 yorumun ortalaması 3.3
09 May 2022
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Mersin Atakent ile İmamlı köyü arasında bulunan bu antik kent hakkında ne yazık fazla bilgi yok. Biz Aşağı Dünya Obruğuna giderken tesadüfen keşfettik. İnternetten araştırınca Helenistik dönemden kaldığını öğrendik. Girişinde herhangi bir tabela olmadığından Atakent'ten 15 km sonra İmamlı köyüne giderken sağ tarafınızda kalıyor. Giriş ücreti yok.
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emine A.
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