The Pit of Hell
The Hell Hole, 75 meters north of Paradise Falls, was formed like Paradise Falls. The mouth circle diameters are 50 m and 75 m, the depth is 128 m. It's not possible to get down because the edges are curved. According to mythology, Zeus, after defeating the flame-breathing hundred-headed dragon ...
The Pit of Hell
The Hell Hole, 75 meters north of Paradise Falls, was formed like Paradise Falls. The mouth circle diameters are 50 m and 75 m, the depth is 128 m. It's not possible to get down because the edges are curved. According to mythology, Zeus, after defeating the flame-breathing hundred-headed dragon Typhon in a fight here, imprisoned him for a time in the pit of Hell before locking him forever beneath Mount Etna.
Narlıkuyu, Silifke ilçe merkezine 21 km, 33940 Silifke/Mersin, Türkiye