Where's the loneliness?
After Paslı ⁇ , 4 km further, you will reach the ancient site of Tekkad, where there are dense remains of Roman and Byzantine civilizations. Here you can see rock tombs, sarcophagi with lion sculptures, a necropolis, a sarcophagus, a small castle, a church and the remains of dozens of ...
Where's the loneliness?
After Paslı ⁇ , 4 km further, you will reach the ancient site of Tekkad, where there are dense remains of Roman and Byzantine civilizations. Here you can see rock tombs, sarcophagi with lion sculptures, a necropolis, a sarcophagus, a small castle, a church and the remains of dozens of houses. When the same road is followed, after Gökburç and Hançerli towers, the Silifke - Uzuncaburç highway is reached.