The place where Korykos learns

It is located in the neighborhood of Kızkalesi, 60 km from the Mersin-Erdemli-Silifke highway. It's in the neighborhood of Kızkalesi. It was inhabited during the Islamic period, especially during the Roman and Byzantine periods. From the artifacts excavated from the necropolis site, it is understood that the first settlement here ...

The place where Korykos learns

It is located in the neighborhood of Kızkalesi, 60 km from the Mersin-Erdemli-Silifke highway. It's in the neighborhood of Kızkalesi. It was inhabited during the Islamic period, especially during the Roman and Byzantine periods. From the artifacts excavated from the necropolis site, it is understood that the first settlement here dates back to the 4th century BC. It's been determined to be from the 19th century. In the 1st century B.C.E., he minted a coin in his own name. In the 20th century, he minted a coin in his own name.

It is located in the neighborhood of Kızkalesi, 60 km from the Mersin-Erdemli-Silifke highway. It's in the neighborhood of Kızkalesi. It was inhabited during the Islamic period, especially during the Roman and Byzantine periods. From the artifacts excavated from the necropolis site, it is understood that the first settlement here dates back to the 4th century BC. It's been determined to be from the 19th century. In the 1st century B.C.E., he minted a coin in his own name. In the 20th century, he minted a coin in his own name. Herodotus writes that the city was founded by a Cypriot prince named Gorges. Korykos has changed hands many times since it was a port city in the Cilician region. At the end of the 4th century BC, when Seleuchus Nikador founded the city of Silifke, he took Korykos under his rule. At the end of the century, when Seleucus Nikador founded the city of Silifke, he took Korykos under his rule. The city came under Roman rule in 72 C.E. and remained under Roman rule for 450 years, during which time it showed great development in agriculture and became a center for the export of olive oil. In Byzantine times, it was surrounded by strong walls against Arab invasions. In the 13th century, during the Armenian Kingdoms of Cilicia, it became an important trading port, a port of call for Genoese and Venetian ships. In the 20th century, it became an important trading port during the Armenian Kingdoms of Cilicia, and a port of call for Genoese and Venetian ships. Korykos was conquered and rebuilt in 1448 by Ibrahim Bey of Karamanoğlu. For example, the inner and outer castle churches, the arches, the water arches, the rock tombs, the tombs, and the stone-paved Roman roads are partially intact. It is named after the castle on the island.

Batısandal, 33730 Erdemli/Mersin, Türkiye


Google Yorumlarda 28 yorumun ortalaması 4.3
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